Killing fields ! Take heed to need,
Violent meadows ! weed to seed,
Thorny cactus ! prick to pain,
Oh my God ! Hath mercy ever been right?
Warlords of hate! Beckon men to hate,
Swords of lust ! Burn me to fate,
Weapons OF war ! Slay me to bleed,
Oh my God ! Hath truth ever been light?
Furnaces burn, Incenses of hate ember,
Terror seek, Climes of faith falter,
Barren fury melts, Understanding seeps,
Oh my God ! Tis all about loving the other.
The soul bleeds, yet loves, the mouth is gaping, yet shut….the eye is ope, yet blind…and the void is ever accepting of every mistake made by mandkind…and in it’s martyr cry, all is null.
Peace abounds, within the womb of hate, peace abounds.