I lost count, of light years zillion, where yeons
I stood, Soul clasped I knelt,
Romancing the woods – the damp earth, mist embraced mountains – Almost
And more, of oragasmic splendor, that Mother Nature bared,
In truth though, conscious thought and measured glances flayed,
I gape, shapes in daylight, the false dawn in candlelight,
At the warm sun who never thought askance,
Of flames of flickering torch lit in laze,
At commuting clouds in hurry, whose silence in journey,
Never betrayed pregnant hues of promises kept,
At the moonbeam that sought, starlight to part,
Of ancient folklore and universal comets in trance,
At the flooding stream that pass, on summer grass taut,
The tide and ebb in essence, as rocks lisp lavender verses vast,
Yet, shall I seek, this waking dreams of life and light,
Thro’ storm and night, amidst wild lakes and jewelled trees,
The incense mist, the adrift rain, the pageantry clouds,
The silent rocks, the conspiring peaks, the flushed skies,
This chaos of deep passion, shorn of all reason,
Alas! I have no words to tell, that mine love did swell.
Thank you
Haunting….simply beautiful.